Judo Summer Camp 2019, goodbye to the next edition

The XII Judo Summer Camp is ended and it is time to sum up. The edition, which saw the presence of more than 150 judoka on the tatami set up in the sports hall of Porto Sant’Elpidio, was undoubtedly the richest and liveliest and gives an additional push to raise the bar even more for next year.

Corrado Croceri insieme a Bernardo Centracchio, consigliere Fijlkam, durante il Judo Summer Camp 2019

To support the efforts of Mr. Corrado Croceri also came the thanks of Fijlkam with the presence of one of the members Bernardo Centracchio, who also wore the judogi to participate in the last day of training. “Personally I adore Mr. Katanishi – said Centracchio – and it is a honor to be able to meet him for the first time today. But I am also happy to shake hands with Croceri, for me Corrado, with whom I am bound by a very long friendship that has seen us fight together so many battles, on tatami and outside. With satisfaction I bring the greetings of the president Domenico Falcone who thanks Croceri for his work that is rising the level of the Italian judo. Despite some distances manifested in the past, today the president recognizes the importance of the activities made by Croceri and makes his best wishes to all judoka present”.

On the other side, Croceri expressed his satisfaction for the presence of Centracchio inside the Federation: “Bernardo is a man who has practiced a lot of judo and therefore knows the needs of our discipline closely. The fact that he is now part of the Fijlkam, gives us new energy and a strong hope for the future”.

At the end of these hard but exciting days of training, the judokas greet each other with in hand the certificate of participation.

The added value of the Judo Summer Camp is to create a community of friends who meet, year after year, to practice together and exchange ideas, experiences, suggestions. Each edition increasingly strengthens the bonds of friendship and collaboration that enrich the individual, without isolating him in his individual practice but, on the contrary, projecting him into a universal dimension that allows the effective progress of himself and of the discipline.

Showing and teaching the real judo following the Kano’s tradition is therefore functional not only to the technical improvement and to the safeguard of the health of the practitioners but also to the widening of the cultural horizons.

The alchemy is complete thanks also to the fantastic location, close to the sea, which allows to enliven the spirit during the free moments, increasing the group harmony. Lived in this way, judo is not only a physical activity but a real place of investigation of the human existence through the study of the defense attack and the physical, mental, ethical and moral training. As Croceri often says: “This is the judo in which the strength is not the only prerogative, in which the weak wins over the strong and the small over the big and which can be practiced throughout life, until old age, continuing to discover new aspects in a continuous growth”.

Some pictures from our International Judo Summer Camp 2019! // Alcune foto dello stage di Judo con i Maestri Katanishi, Shima, Cadot e Croceri! // #TTJsc19 #TreTorri

Pubblicato da Tre Torri su Mercoledì 24 luglio 2019

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