Sarnano is the destination for the first Kagami Biraki

Tre Torri, in conjunction with the Corridonia (MC) Dojo Kenshiro Abbe judo centre, is organising the first Kagami Biraki (opening ceremony of the year).

On 9th January a new and important judo event will take place at the Sports Complex in Sarnano. Tre Torri, in collaboration with the Dojo Kenshiro Abbe-Gruppo Marche of Corridonia (MC), is organising the first Kagami Biraki (opening ceremony of the year).

The initiative is addressed to all lovers of judo and beyond who desire to relive the ancient ceremony established by the same Jigoro Kano, in far-off 1885. Inspired by the warrior past and by the spirit which had animated the class of samurai, it took place in the month of January and, according to tradition, it had a propitiatory aim, namely it had to serve in ensuring the goodwill of the gods for the year that had just begun. J. Kano borrowed the name of the ancient rite, the time of year, which he fixed as being the second Sunday of the month of January and also the habit of eating, on this occasion, “Mochi” (a rice cake pounded into paste and molded into shape).

The programme will begin at 9am, seeing a film on judo following the path of the founder, J. Kano, and will be followed by an opening speech on the meaning of Kodokan Judo. Then, there is space given over to group practice among more experienced students and the younger ones, from the age of 13 upwards, of those clubs invited. As per tradition, the occasion for a get-together will not be missed where students and hosts will eat together inside the Sports Hall (cost of meal € 12.00).

For information and enrolment: ASD Dojo Kenshiro Abbe-Gruppo Marche, Via Santa Chiara – 62014 Corridonia (Mc) Tel. & Fax +39 0733 431350.

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